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Native Seed & Lending Library

Nature Books
We collect and distribute books and sources on nature, ecology, biodiversity, and anything that has to do with the environment so that everyone has access to this information. We plan on having books for people of all ages available so that anyone can learn and connect with nature and the land.
If you have any books that fit this description and would like to donate them to Love Our Land, we would love to have them! Thank you! Our Lending Library is located in downtown Loveland along the bike trail near Loveland Paddle Sports.
(see map below)
Native Seeds
We also use this library for people to donate native seeds for others to take and plant in their own yards. We ask that if you leave seeds to please follow the guidelines below.
Seeds must be:
1) native species
2) untreated with insecticides,
3) properly labeled with scientific name, origin (where were they collected; closest city is fine), and, a link (or printed instructions) on how to properly plant them
4) organized with packets in a bag/envelope with the name of the species so that it is easy for folks to know what they’re taking.
Our Native Seed Library Sponsors: